4231 Custom Tactics

EthxnH shares his FC 24 Custom Tactics

by EthxnH - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2023 FGS 1 European Champion, 2023 eClub World Cup Vice-Champion

We understand that in EA Sports FC 24, everyone is constantly seeking the most effective tactics. To provide some insight, we asked FUTWIZ Pro Ethan for his recommendations. Here is what he had to say.

The tactic he used during all pro tournaments and will be using this year is, probably, the most popular formation in the game: 4-2-3-1.

Here are the tactics, along with a brief explanation of why he recommends them. Additionally, there will be an overview of the types of players you should consider for each position.

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 25
  • Depth: 67

  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 50
  • Players in the Box: 6
  • Corners: 2
  • Free Kicks: 2

A little bit about these tactics: 4-2-3-1 is kinda back to meta this year and actually is a good formation. 25 width is used because it’s already hard to mark the wingers, so it’s better to keep more people in the middle. 67 depth is for more risky plays with a higher line and you don’t want to sit too far back with this formation.

With attack it’s pretty simple and direct: 50 width is default. You can change corner and free-kick settings as you would like. But be careful, with high depth it’ll be easier to counter you from set-pieces, so that’s why Ethan keeps Corners and Free Kicks at 2.

4231 Custom Tactics

Player Instructions
These are the player instructions which Ethan recommends:

  • GK - Default
  • CB - Default
  • LB - Stay Back While Attacking
  • RB - Stay Back While Attacking
  • LDM – Stay Back While Attacking, Cover Center
  • RDM - Stay Back While Attacking, Cover Center
  • LAM - Come Back on Defense, Get Into The Box for Cross
  • RAM - Come Back on Defense, Get Into The Box for Cross
  • CAM - Balanced
  • RST - Stay Forward

A short explanation as to the reasons behind these instructions is as follows:

Defense is kinda basic, your usual defaults on CBs and GKs, but full-backs are on Stay Back While Attacking, so you won’t get too caught on counter-attacks.

Ethan also has both CDMs at Stay Back While Attacking and Cover Center for a more “bunker” approach and you won’t get broken down easily in the middle.

Both LAM and RAM on Come Back on Defense, so they’ll help you out like in 4-4-2. CAM is your sweet spot to control the pitch and Striker on Stay Forward. Basically, you want your game to be based on counter-attacks and catch people off guard with these tactics!

Players to use
This is the team Ethan has been using with this formation and instructions. Of course, it’s a little bit good, but what would you expect from a Pro player? You don’t need exactly this set of players to be effective with tactics, they will work with cheaper options too!

4231 Custom Tactics

In order to help you build your team, these are the types of players you should be looking to fill these positions with:

  • GK – Usually used for links, but there are several good keepers in the game. You can use Alisson or Donnarumma, if you're a La Liga fan – there are 3 great options for you, but overall GKs are used as chemistry boosts. Choose one that you need for your team.
  • CB – Ethan suggests higher depth, so you need some pacey CBs to cover your backs. There are some great options in the game already, like Saliba or Kimpembe, but look at some promo options, like Dunk Centurions card. In the higher tier – there’s always Van Dijk and Icons.
  • LB/RB – There are quite a few options for full-backs, still depending on who your squad needs. If you have cash to splash – go with your Walker’s or Mendy’s. But there's more options in the game right now, especially with some evolutions that can help you. Pace and defending are crucial in this formation, so look out for those stats.
  • CDM – You want players that fight for the badge. It’s important to have some quality options here. You may use one as a more defensive one and another one as a B2B option, but still, well-rounded players are welcomed in our squad. “Club 80” is not a big thing anymore, but those players are very welcomed to your squad in DM positions.
  • LAM/RAM – You need 2 fast players that will track back sometimes. Wing play is crucial this year and a lot of goals coming from your wingers. It all depends on your budget, but there are some quality options in every price range. Pace and dribbling are the most important stats, while shooting can’t be ignored too.
  • CAM – Your main man. A lot of gameplay is based on him and you must choose carefully. You might spend the biggest on him, so he’ll shine. In this set-up passing isn’t the most important aspect, so choose a player that you’d like. For example, Ethan uses Mbappe, but if your budget isn’t as big, you can use your favorite player with high enough dribbling here.
  • ST – This is your goal scorer, your WL record depends on him. Some may choose players who they enjoy more. Or they are used to playing in FUT. It all depends on your play style, if you want a proper striker – go with your Lewa’s or Kane’s, if you're a different kind of player – use a smaller and faster player. Find the one that fits your playstyle.

It’s been an article about Ethan’s competitive 4-2-3-1 tactics. Hopefully, it’ll help you to get better results in WL, and if you’re already a 20-0 player – maybe it’ll help you to go Pro. Who knows!