FC 24 Goalkeeper Movement

Increase your clean sheets with Mark11's tips

by Mark11 - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2023 eWorld Cup Vice-Champion, 2023 E-League Champion

Goalkeeper movement is an advanced element of defending, this feature allows you to move your goalkeeper in different directions which allows you to predict your opponents shots and save more chances.

FUTWIZ pro Mark11 is going to take you through all you need to know about goalkeeper movement and when to perform it in game.

What star skill moves does a player need to perform goalkeeper movement?
There is no skill requirement to be able to move the goalkeeper, this can be performed by any goalkeeper in game.

How to Perform the Goalkeeper Movement
These instructions are for a player who is facing towards the opposition goal when shooting from left to right

It is very simple to perform goalkeeper movement, all that is needed is that when your opponent has the ball you click the right stick down, and with the right stick pressed down you move it in any direction. The movements which you are performing will specifically move your goalkeeper, below shows the button combination for this:

PlayStation Goalkeeper Movement Controls
Xbox Goalkeeper Movement Controls

When should you use goalkeeper movement?
Goalkeeper movement is somewhat of an art form at times, it becomes a bit of mental warfare between both players as you will both be second guessing each other.

A very basic guideline for moving the goalkeeper is that if you have an attacker bearing down one on one with the goalkeeper, it is more beneficial to pick a side where you think he will go and move the goalkeeper than simply leaving him in the middle of the net.

In the example below, the attacker has the whole goal to aim at and could comfortable pick either side and score, however by predicting the side you think he is going to shoot to, this will increase your chances of saving the shot, the attacker could shoot the opposite side for an easy goal so be sure not to move too early to give away where you plan to move to.

Goalkeeper Movement

There are so many different variables for goalkeeper movement, which range from predicting the opponents shots to baiting your own goalkeeper movement, this is simply a skill that will require a lot of in game practice and learning.