FC 24 Reverse Elastico Tutorial

Learn one of the best 5 Star Skill Moves

by Dcampbell20_ - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2021 eWorld Cup Finalist, 2022 E-League Champion

The Reverse Elastico is a very effective skill in EA FC 24. It’s also one of the most good looking ones and you’ll have a good feeling when you pull it off. FUTWIZ pro player Dylan is going to take us through how to perform the skill and the best times to use it.

The first thing you need to know about the ball roll scoop is that it is a 5 star skill move so only certain players are able to perform it. All 5 star skillers in FC 24

Let's learn the basics and the button combination to perform this skill. In this example we will be showing you how to do Reverse Elastico on EAFC 24 in different situations and directions.

To perform this skill move, you want to rotate your right stick from the left to the right in about 180 degree motion all the way along the rim of the controller. So, here with Mbappe from the left to right and perform the reverse elastico.

It’s very good to combine with L1 Stop and L1 Reverse Elastico around the defender and finish.

To practice it – you may go to the practice arena and turn off opponents (bar 1) and practice it 1v1.

You can use this skill in different directions, depending on a situation in-game. And we’ll cover those examples in-game right now.

Here's the first example of the effectiveness of using the reverse elastico in game. As you can see here, Dylan sees a bit of space and he uses reverse elastico to drive into space and instantly take a shot with ASM.

Reverse Elastico Tutorial

Next example is pretty similar as well, although this time Dylan notices that there’s a bit more space down the wing and he uses a skill move to accelerate straight away and take a trivela shot with ASM. Again a very easy goal.

Reverse Elastico Tutorial

Now, one more. He uses the L1 Stop. First he sets up the defender, sees which way he moves and he’ll go the opposite way using the reverse elastico an easy finish in the box.

Reverse Elastico Tutorial

And the last one example will be from a Pro game. Now, the reverse elastic is very good on the edge of the box. What you’ll see is that Dylan waits for the pass to open up, then he does a driven pass to Mbappe, one touch, reverse elastico into the space and shoots straight away.

Reverse Elastico Tutorial

It's a very hard skill to defend, it’s not a common one and it’s not usually what you’ll see your opponent perform. With this tutorial we hope that you’ll add to your arsenal one more useful skill that will help you to get a better result in Weekend League and move up the divisions in Rivals!