How to do the Three Touch Roulette

Learn this surprising and unexpected skill move

by EthxnH - Team FUTWIZ Pro, 2023 FGS 1 European Champion, 2023 eClub World Cup Vice-Champion

The three touch roulette on EA FC 24 is one of the most surprising and unexpected skill moves to use in EA FC 24. It’s another one of those skills that are effective at the edge of the box or just inside of the box. FUTWIZ pro player Ethan is going to take us through how to perform the skill and the best times to use it.

The first thing you need to know about the ball roll scoop is that it is a 5 star skill move so only certain players are able to perform it. All 5 star skillers in FC 24

Let's learn the basics and the button combination to perform this skill. In this example we will be showing you how to drag back turn on EAFC 24 in different situations and directions.

This skill move is performed by holding your L2 Button and then flicking your right stick back and up.

PlayStation Three Touch Roulette Up Controls
Xbox Three Touch Roulette Up Controls

To perform it in a different direction you need to hold the L2 button and then right stick to the right and down.

PlayStation Three Touch Roulette Down Controls
Xbox Three Touch Roulette Down Controls

You can use this skill in different directions, depending on a situation in-game. We’ll cover those examples in-game right now.

Here's the first example of the effectiveness of three touch roulette in game. As you can see here, Ethan runs to the edge of the box and starts performing the skill, right when his opponent controls CB.

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

As he performs the skill move – he sends the defender in a different direction and has a free shot on goal this way. It's a quick and unexpected skill move that helps in situations like this.

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

Ethan finds this move especially effective at the edge of the box and will show you one more example of its effectiveness in different situations.

He uses the skill move to force an opponent into a slide tackle, as they thought he was going to shoot.

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

And then he uses the skill move once again just to get a free space and shoot on goal, when he’s not marked by defenders anymore, as they thought he was going to pass to the player on top.

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

FC 24 Three Touch Roulette

It's a very hard skill to defend, it’s not a common one and it’s not usually what you’ll see your opponent perform. With this tutorial we hope that you’ll add this to your arsenal and have one more useful skill that will help you to get better results in Weekend League and move up the divisions in Rivals.